MS Therapy Centre launches annual pop-up art exhibition and sale – Bedford Independent

MS Therapy Centre launches annual pop-up art exhibition and sale - Bedford Independent
galerie jumelles
Art Galleries and Museums

Galerie Jumelles

Galerie Jumelles is an online Art Gallery founded by Sierra M. Bretz. Inspired by the French language and lifestyle, Sierra closed her business and her life in the US in 2021 to move to France to promote French Artists.

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This coming weekend (1-2 October), the MS Therapy Centre will launch its annual Pop-Up Art Exhibition & Sale, to highlight the work of local artists and to raise vital funds.

The event will be hosted at the MS Therapy Centre at Barkers Lane in Bedford.

79 artists are taking part in the exhibition, with work including paintings, jewellery, ceramics, candles, wood sculptures, prints and much more.

Alongside the exhibition, artists will be painting ‘live’ during the event. There will also be a fundraising raffle with luxury prizes, free children’s art activities, refreshments, and free parking.

Nicola Morcombe, an artist featured in the exhibition, is a photographer who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 2014.

Nicola finds that, for her, photography helps to express her view of the world and to escape for a while.

“I am very happy to give something back to the MS Therapy Centre that has made such a difference to my life recently,” she said.

Kay Taylor, Chair of Trustees at the MS Therapy Centre, said: “We are looking forward to welcoming our guests and community to the Pop-Up Art Exhibition & Sale this coming weekend.

“It is a privilege to demonstrate the incredible work of our local artists. I would like to thank our sponsors and dedicated team for always putting their all into delivering our therapies to people living with MS, and the fundraising events that support this.

“I encourage you all to visit and witness the splendour of our art exhibition!”

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This content was originally published here.