Namibia: Local Art Exhibition to Open in the UK in July

Namibia: Local Art Exhibition to Open in the UK in July

Start Art Gallery, an online contemporary local art gallery, in collaboration with Guns & Rain Art is thrilled about the prospect of hosting its first exhibition in London, United Kingdom.

The gallery, located in Windhoek, scored a major coup to be able to present ‘Muzivi Wenzira’, an exhibition of artworks by seven artists from Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. ‘Muzivi Wenzira’ translates from chiShona to ‘s/he who uses a footpath’.

This presentation explores diverse media, focusing on materiality and the artists’ relationship with the objects they depict and work with.

The gallery is bringing together the work of three Namibian artists: Nicky Marais, Actofel Ilovu and Libita Sibungu, as they will be showing paintings, mixed media works, and drawings. Moreover, from Zimbabwe, they have Sky Salanje and Isheanesu Dondo, and from South Africa Thina Dube and Aneesah Girie.

“Based in South Africa and Namibia respectively, these two galleries share a focus on contemporary art from Southern Africa. The shared histories of these artists and the socio-political contexts that they inhabit provide the varied and rich background for the artworks on display” reads a statement issued by StArt Art Gallery on Thursday.

The ‘Muzivi Wenzira’ exhibition which opens next month in London on 21 July will run until 31 July 2022. However, a walkabout with one of the curators will take place on the penultimate day of the showcasing event.

“Alluding in part to the long, not always easy, a journey that artists take over the course of their careers, this title also points towards the larger context that each of the artworks on display sits within. This exhibition has been made possible with support from Mosi O Tunya Gallery,” the statement continued.

Guns & Rain located in Johannesburg, South Africa, works with contemporary visual artists from seven African countries, including South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, and Nigeria. Most of their artists are young and emerging.

This content was originally published here.